What you should know


House Drakul
AKA Il Sangreal = royal blood
Count Corvinu Drakul
Symbol Dragons Head
Home La Libraria
Colour Dark Red
Feast of Drakul - Festival of light - 21st March
VTM equivalent Ventrue

The Drakuli believe themselves to be the nobility of vampires. They seek to rule at every
opportunity. They live by strict rules of protocol, every greeting, bow or obeisance must be the
correct one. This sabat has strict lines of reporting and authority and keeps its members in
place through convoluted rituals and rules. They are likely to snub even the highest member of
the other sabats if they do not use the correct greeting or ettiquette. Appearance is of utmost
importance to this bloodline, and they often dress in formal military uniforms or clothing one
would expect to see on royalty. 
Drakul Elder Backstory
Born to the Drakul lineage, I am Count Corvnus Drakul, first son of the Duke, and fourth in line to the throne. I had a quiet childhood and youth, following the norm for my position. Tutored in a small group of royals at the palace, I entered the military as a young man. It was expected that all royalty spend time in the military so they could properly rule. I took to it like a duck to water, loving the discipline and structure. Of course my lineage ensured a rank that did not involve crawling around in mud or facing an approaching army head on. No my place was on horseback commanding from a distance, to get an overview of the whole battle. I was a strategist and an authoritarian. My troups were the best turned out, the best disciplined and gave the best show on parades before heading out to battle. I was exceedingly proud of them, and of my skill as their commander. One day a mountain pass stood between us and our objective. I made the troups go first and find the best way up. I was watching them from the rear admiring the way their regalia flashed in the light. The pass was so small we could enter only two at a time. It took all day to funnel my troups through but I was content in the knowledge that they would have set up camp on the other side and made my own quarters comfortable for me, so I sat atop my horse and idled away the hours chatting with my second. Finally it was our turn to enter the pass. Darkness fell just as we began our ascent, but we did not fear, our troups had all passed this way safely and so would we. We did not. The path twisted and turned hiding the trail ahead but we forged on confident. Turning a hairpin bend we met a wall of bodies, our troups who had all believed themselves safe and not managed to get word back to us. I felt a weight jump on my horse behind me, then blackness. When I woke I was near death, I could feel it waiting for me to take my last breath, I was empty, devoid of anything as if my blood was drained from me. I reached for my companion and found him in a pool of blood, as close to death as I. I lay back and screamed out my last breath with fury. As I screamed a drop of blood from one of my troups entered my mouth. I was horrified but something happened at that moment and I felt more alive. I lay there for a while thoughts raging in my head interspersed with a desire for more blood. No I will not canibalise my troups, that is horrible I railed in my head, but a soft urging voice continued "You must it is the only way to survive and carry on your line, you will be king, you must live." Finally I overcame my revulsion and took a few drops of blood from the pile of dripping courpses. I was vitalised and I moved amongst them dringking my fill. I returned to my second and saw that he too hovered near death. Thinking to save him I nicked my wrist a little and dropped some blood into his mouth. He writhed for a few moments then aroused in the same way I had. I quickly explained to him what had happened, then we feasted on our troups. We returned to our base and gave the sad news that all our troups had expired and we had barely escaped with our lives. We could not of course reveal our secret, so we executed a well laid plan for obtaining fresh supplies of blood when we required it. We needed the co-operation of others, and decided the only way to do that was to be selective and change the lucky few into our kindred. Now I am their king and they serve me in true military style. The few females of our blood offering comfort to the men in their centuries of life, and together we rule our kingdom of night